



好展會網(wǎng)】 國家糧食局 Brief introduction of State Administration of Grain 國家糧食局是國家發(fā)展和改革委員會管理的負(fù)責(zé)全國糧食流通宏觀調(diào)控具體業(yè)務(wù)、行業(yè)指導(dǎo)和中央儲備糧行政管理的行政機(jī)構(gòu)<br />主要職責(zé)<br />(一)受國家發(fā)展和改革委員會委托,研究提出全國糧食宏觀調(diào)控、總量平衡以及糧食流通的中長期規(guī)劃、進(jìn)出口計劃和收儲、動用中央儲備糧的建議;擬定全國糧食流通體制改革方案,并組織實(shí)施。  (二)起草全國糧食流通和中央儲備糧管理的法律、法規(guī)草案和有關(guān)政策及有關(guān)規(guī)章制度,并監(jiān)督執(zhí)行;編制全國糧食流通及倉儲、加工設(shè)施的建設(shè)計劃,其中限額以上的大中型建設(shè)項(xiàng)目按規(guī)定程序報批;提出糧食定購價格以及收購保護(hù)價和銷售限價的原則。   <br />(三)協(xié)同國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局做好糧食質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的管理工作;制定糧食儲存、運(yùn)輸?shù)募夹g(shù)規(guī)范,并監(jiān)督執(zhí)行。   <br />(四)指導(dǎo)全國糧食流通的行業(yè)管理和全行業(yè)的教育培訓(xùn);指導(dǎo)并推動全行業(yè)的技術(shù)改造和新技術(shù)推廣;負(fù)責(zé)全行業(yè)的對外交流與合作;承擔(dān)行業(yè)統(tǒng)計工作。   <br />(五)制定中央儲備糧管理的技術(shù)規(guī)范,并監(jiān)督執(zhí)行;研究提出中央儲備糧的規(guī)模、總體布局和收購、銷售、進(jìn)出口計劃,并負(fù)責(zé)督促實(shí)施;監(jiān)督檢查中央儲備糧的庫存、質(zhì)量和安全。指導(dǎo)中國儲備糧管理總公司的業(yè)務(wù)。   <br />(六)承擔(dān)國務(wù)院和國家發(fā)展和改革委員會交辦的其他事項(xiàng)。   <br />State Administration of Grain, an administrative body directly under the National Development and Reform Commission, is in charge of handling concrete businesses of national grain distribution macro-control, guiding the nationwide grain sector and administrating China’s central grain reserves.   Main Responsibilities of the State Administration of Grain:   Entrusted by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Administration is committed upon investigation to put forward medium and long term strategies of macro-control and adjustment, overall supply and demand balancing and the country’s grain distribution system, plans for import and export and proposals for procurement and storage, as well as the drawing on of the national grain reserve stock. It is also committed to draft reform program for the national grain distribution system, and to undertake the implementation of such program.   To draw up drafts for laws and statutes, relevant policies, rules and regulations for nationwide grain distribution and grain reserves management, and supervise their implementations; work out plans for the construction of national grain distribution, storage and processing facilities and submit for approval of those large and middle scale projects above norm according to the well-established procedures, and to propose frame-work for grain purchase price as well as procurement protective price and marketing price limit.   To work in coordination with the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine to manage the grain quality standards; formulate technical norms for grain storage, handling and transportation, and supervise their implementations.   To guide the management of the whole nation’s grain sector and its vocational training, guide and promote its technical transformations and new technology extensions as well as its overseas exchanges and cooperation. In addition, it is also responsible for the grain sector’s statistical work.   To formulate technical norms for management of the national grain reserves and supervise its implementation, and propose upon investigation the size, overall layout of the central grain reserves and plans for procurement, marketing, import and export of the central grain reserves’ stock for ensuring its quantity, quality and safety. It is also committed to provide guidance to the business of China Grain Reserves Corporation.
(好展會網(wǎng)  )